So a lot has happened since my last post. That's not incredibly unusual since I'm typically not a frequent poster, however my situation has recently changed and so will the frequency of the blog (for the better!).
My job at Cartoon Network and I broke up at the end of July, so we're seeing other people now. I've started my own design and illustration studio, and I've got a few live jobs in the hopper. ( I'm available for new projects, too, if you know of any! ) One is a logo/branding project, the other is a big illustration project for an upcoming children's story for Christmas. The illustrator that is working on the book needs help bringing things to life via web and other applications. Both are fun and challenging projects, so I will be busy for awhile chewing on them.
I also had the good fortune to teach a 2-day introduction class to Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and In Design CS5 at a training center called MicroTek last week. They had a very comfortable facility with amazingly friendly staff right off a major highway in Atlanta. The intensive, hands-on class was geared specifically for an in-house team of non-designers. In addition to the software, we reviewed the foundations of print & web, and a little bit about typography to get them more familiar with the universe all these programs operate within.
I threw a lot at them, and they were teriffic students. They all kept up, asked some great questions and did a great job at the class exercises. I really enjoyed the experience, and I am hoping to pursue more teaching opportunities in both design/illustration and CS5 software.
As soon as I'm able to post new work, and project updates I will. It should be very shortly.
Stay tuned!