This is from the annual CN calendar that our design group puts out. Our group developed this self-initiated/self-directed project back in 2000 I think and we've been doing one every year since. Unfortunately this never sees consumers, so only a select few outside Cartoon Network actually get them. The upshot, though is that we're our own client so we get to take liberties we normally wouldn't be afforded on other projects. We each get a month and get to interpret it more or less how we want. This is my contribution for June, it's for the upcoming show Secret Saturdays by Jay Stephens (of Tutenstein, Oddville & Jetcat, Chick and Dee, and Land of Nod fame). This was concepted by me and Clint Carruth our Sr. Writer, pencilled by Juan Ortiz, inked by Mark Prudeaux, and colored, typeset, layout and P'shop effects by me. I'm really thrilled with how it came out, Juan and Mark did a fantastic job. They made it incredibly easy, thanks guys!